Language Features
ParC is the full C++ language with some
additions from other languages (particularly Verilog and VHDL). Any
existing C/C++ can be mixed with ParC code.
From HDLs
Processes and Tasks
A process is the HDL equivalent of a thread: a block of code that
continuously. Processes usually suspend and resume on events (described
in an @ statement). Processes are class objects, and the process code
is esentially a method, that method may defer to another method or
Processes can be independent or belong to a module (see below).
Signals/Drivers and Receivers
Signals represent wires in HDLs and are an
inter-process communication
mechanism . The interface between a signal and a process for writing is
a "driver", for reading is a "receiver". Drivers and receivers are
normallly implicit, but in ParC they can be explicit - so that
multiple processes can share a driver or receiver, and references can be passed to
A signal with multiple drivers is a "resolved" signal. The method for
resolving the signal value when there are multiple drivers is user
defined - see also: Programming Equivalence.
ParC supports multi-type resolution by applying conversion functions to
driver values so that it can resolve all drivers in the same domain -
this is a generalization of the scheme used for mixed-signal simulation
in Verilog-AMS.
In the case where there are explicit receivers attached to a signal
then the receiver may perform its own resolution of the drivers, this
supports wireless communication modeling (where freespace is considered
as a signal, and driver/receiver distance etc. are a factor).
Non-Blocking Assignment
Assignments to signals in HDLs can be blocking or non-blocking: a
blocking assignment propagates the change immediately (similar to
processing a task), a non-blocking assignment schedules the change for
some time after the assigning process has suspended. Non-blocking
assignments use the operator "@=" or "@ <time> :=" rather than "=".
The fork statement is a fine grained parallel construct, it just
indicates that some statements are executed in parallel. Sometimes it
is refered to as fork/join since all threads have to complete (join)
before continuing with the parent block.
Modules & Entity/Architecture Instantiation
HDLs generally describe hardware as a static structure of connectivity
and processes, while C++ is dynamic (working on a stack with heap
storage). The ability
to describe a static code hierarchy is key to optimizing parallel code.
From CSP
CSP = Communicating Sequential Processes
Pipes (aka Channels)
A pipe is an asynchronous conservative inter-process communication
mechanism, i.e. data written to a pipe persists until read by another
process (in FIFO order) and the other processes are not under
obligation to read the pipe. As against a signal where the value is
actually just the result of the resolution of drivers, and has no
ParC uses "pipes" rather than "channels" to avoid confusion with CSP
and SystemC constructs called "channels" which have different semantics.
Assertion Support
In addition to an "@" statement ParC has an "@?" statement.
@?(<expression>) is an event that fires prior to the same event
expression with an @, e.g. @(clock) and @?(clock), no other events can
interleave. This allows assertions to be tested before processing the
man event - all @?(clock) processes are evaluated before any @(clock).